What is hypnobirthing?
Hypnobirthing isn’t as hippy or ‘woo’ as you might think! - At least mine isn’t anyway…
A calm, relaxed birth following an induction, using Hypnobirthing
For most of us, when we hear ‘hypnobirthing’ we think - hypnosis, hypnotising, hippy, - some hypnobirthing teachers probably do teach in this way however I teach hypnobirthing from a very realistic, practical viewpoint. I think it’s really important that you are prepared for all possible outcomes in labour and birth vs creating this ‘toxic positivity’ culture that we just have to focus on the perfect birth and we’ll be more likely to get it.
The ‘Hypno’ Part
The ‘hypno’ part basically refers to deep relaxation. A state you would have been in loads of times before, like when you’re driving on auto pilot, day dreaming or when you’re juuuust about to drop off to sleep.
It just means that you can switch off from noise and distractions happening around you easily.
We know that the mind and body are connected:
If we can work on our mindset during pregnancy, we can have a:
•positive attitude toward giving birth
•be confident about being in labour
•know that we have tools and techniques to feel calm, relaxed and in control
In a Nutshell
The more relaxed and calm the mind is, the more relaxed and calm the body is.
The more relaxed you are in labour, the easier, shorter and more comfortable your birth will be.
Feelings of nervousness are generated in our mind/brain/head, whatever you want to call it, and they have a physical impact on our body.
This can feel like butterflies in your tummy, sweating, heart racing, doing a nervous poo! - We’ve all been there!
Your body is physically responding to a feeling or emotion and we need to understand this before going in to labour
Lots of things can happen in labour that can cause us to worry or panic, even if you feel really chilled about it right now, it’s hard to know how you’ll mentally respond when you’re actually experiencing it.
This is why it’s SO important to get in a good head space for birth! We know that a relaxed mind = a relaxed body = an easier birth.
The more equipped you are to relax in labour, the easier, shorter and more comfortable your birth will be
FAQ: How will Hypnobirthing help me in labour? What will I learn to do?
When you join my hypnobirthing course you’ll learn a tonne of tools to take in to labour :
Build a positive mindset for giving birth
Learn to release tension in your body so that giving birth is easier
Learn the science and physiology of birth - including dilation, stages of labour, what your uterus is doing during a contraction
Two breathing strategies: One to cope with contractions during the first stage of labour (dilation) and one to help your baby be born, without forced pushing, which reduced your likelihood of tearing.
Strategies for birth partner to help keep you calm and also to advocate for you with questioning tools
Knowledge to help you make the best decisions for you and your baby
Strategies for building your good birth hormones that can shorten labour
How to decide on your preferences for giving birth and writing a birth plan
Tonnes of relaxation strategies to help you stay calm, relaxed and in control during labour
Knowledge around interventions that you might get offered, and how to make decisions on whether to accept or decline them
How to have a positive induction and C section
Hypnobirthing aims to eliminate as much of that fear as possible and instead fill your mind with confidence and positivity around labour
You’ll learn essential relaxation tools to allow yourself to get into a calm relaxed state of mind
Ultimately, hypnobirthing strategies eliminate tension and replaces it with relaxation and calmness so the muscles of the uterus can do their job effectively.
How do I know if Hypnobirthing is for me?
My Hypnobirthing course is for you if…
You don’t know what to expect, you’re unsure of what’s going to happen and how you’ll cope, you like to feel in control and feeling out of control would make you anxious
This is your second + baby and your previous birth didn’t go how you had hoped and you’re hoping for a more positive experience this time around
You have a high risk pregnancy and you are nervous about what this means for birth – you want a better understanding of how to figure out what is best for you and your baby both in the run up to labour and during labour.