Why Christmas is the BEST time to be 9 months pregnant
Being heavily pregnant at Christmas is actually the BEST thing…
To prepare for labour!
I always tell couples I work with that when thinking of what an ideal birth environment looks like, to think of their living room at Christmas.
But what’s the Christmas tree got to do with labour?
Oxytocin is the love hormone, produced when we feel calm, relaxed, happy, in love, and it’s the hormone responsible for starting off labour contractions and making sure labour continues to progress smoothly and easily!
The more oxytocin you have the easier labour will be
Your body produces oxytocin when you feel safe, when you’re in privacy, it prefers dimly lit spaces and home comforts. Anything that makes you feel comfy, cosy and secure.
So let’s picture your living room at Christmas time…
You might have a warm fire lit, Christmas tree twinkling, some fluffy garlands hanging over the fireplace, Christmas candles lit, you usually have your favourite foods and snacks stocked up, hot drinks and cosy knits..
This is the PERFECT environment for oxytocin to thrive!
Christmas time for most of us is full of oxytocin boosting moments.
You may see friends and family more frequently, attend fun filled Christmas events, eat good food, play games and do things that you might not do the rest of the year.
If you’re 37 weeks pregnant or more in December - your oxytocin levels can be maximised here! This is exactly what you need in your last few weeks of pregnancy. Anything that gives you feel good, happy, cosy, relaxed vibes will get you in a great position for labour.
If you’re looking for a last minute Hypnobirthing course then my 3 hour intensive course can be taken over Zoom! Click the button below for details!