Hypnobirthing for a planned Caesarean Birth
Most people aren’t aware that hypnobirthing CAN be used for caesarean births! Carlie tells her story of how she used hypnobirthing to prepare for and relax during, her planned caesarean birth! Carlie discusses how much she loved her birth experience and wouldn’t change anything about it. Read more below!
I’d never heard of hypnobirthing before getting pregnant. A friend of mine mentioned it and leant me a few books on it, but it was something I put to the back of my mind as it was early days and I was terrified at the thought of giving birth. I didn’t want to think about it at all. At my 20 week scan, I was told that I had a low-lying placenta and that I would need to be scanned again at 28 weeks to check the position again. This would determine how I would give birth. I felt completely out of control, not knowing how to prepare for birth, although it was early days. As I began thinking more about it, I started to think that I’d love a water birth. Three of my friends (including Hannah) had all experienced the birthing pool for some part of their labour/delivery. But a water birth means… no heavy drugs.
“I decided to read some of the info around hypnobirthing and I am so glad that I did. It taught me that our bodies are made for this. Nature will do its thing. It gave me such a confidence boost and self-belief that my body would know what to do and carry me through it, no matter the method of delivery.”
Feeling uncertain about whether I would need a planned c section, or whether I could have the water birth I wanted, the hypnobirthing books actually helped me to feel some sort of control. The more I read, the more I accepted the ‘uncertainty’ and I was able to put a plan in place for vaginal and c section delivery. I was amazed to find how some hypnobirthing techniques and information actually could help during c sections too. Controlling your breathing, knowing your rights, making your birth experience as positive and as comfortable as possible were all things that I learnt and took with me into the operation room. At 28 weeks I was scanned again, placenta was still low.
Another scan was booked for 36 weeks. I felt like this was pushing it a bit! What if I went early? What if me and my baby were put in danger? How can I feel some sort of control here? With solid plans for a number of delivery methods, and the knowledge of the importance of your birthing partner needing to be able to know, understand and fight for your rights and what you want, I was able to feel somewhat at ease at a very uncertain time. I was scanned again at 38 weeks and yep, my placenta was still low, meaning I had my c section booked for the following week.
“My c section was the most amazing experience I have ever encountered. Hypnobirthing taught me that this is my body, my baby, it is my right to ask for what ever I want to help make this experience as easy and as comfortable and as special as possible. I had my Harry Potter instrumental music playing during my c section, I focused on my breathing, I got instant skin-to-skin for the first hour after birth, all unnecessary checks were postponed until after ‘the golden hour’. I held my baby for an hour whilst being stitched up, moved off the bed and wheeled into our private room.”
Having a c section did not impact on any of this, something I never thought would be possible whilst in major surgery! Hypnobirthing gave me the confidence to write these sorts of things into my birth plan, discuss them with my surgeon and ensure that I got what I wanted (providing all was well of course). Trusting in myself and my body made everything seem so much calmer and it was the most magical experience I could have ever had.
New mum post-surgery following c section delivery. Holding baby on chest with dad standing over them
Fast forward 4 hours post c section and I was out of bed, standing to change my baby’s nappy and getting all the snuggles possible. I think I carried hypnobirthing techniques with me post-birth during my recovery. Again I focused on my breathing, and reminded myself that my body is incredibly strong and knows what it needs to do to heal. The whole experience was extremely positive and calm, and I felt completely in control throughout, which is rather odd considering I was numb from the chest down and being opened up whilst awake.
I would do it all again in a heart beat, and I’d certainly revise hypnobirthing and use the strategies and techniques again if I was to have another baby. People say ‘just take all the drugs, any drugs they offer you’. Let your body see what it can do and do what you feel comfortable with. All births are different. It is your body. Your experience. Your baby. You’re in control. You’ve got this.